At Friends School of Baltimore, we help you discover and become the person you are meant to be.
Here, we challenge you to find meaning in what you learn.
We encourage you to continually ask why.
And we offer you countless opportunities to put your voice to work in the classroom, in Baltimore, and beyond.
We know each student faces tough challenges and will encounter exciting opportunities. And to navigate both successfully, you need the knowledge and confidence to be a courageous change-maker. Equipping you with both is why we—and you—come to Friends School of Baltimore.
Our Philosophy
Friends School seeks to live the conviction that there is that of God in each person. At Friends, we work together to build and sustain a community that is inclusive, respectful, and supportive of all people; we value diversity and cherish differences. The Quaker values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship are woven into every aspect of Friends School life. Meeting for Worship strengthens and deepens our commitment to these Quaker testimonies, and active practice of these principles nurtures empathy and fosters a sense of responsibility to the needs of others.
Quaker education is a pilgrimage--a continual seeking after Truth. The search for truth requires a willingness to listen openly to the ideas of others, even in fields of controversy. Friends School believes that through self-awareness, growth, and service to others, that of God in each person is made manifest.
On the road to success, and at Friends School of Baltimore, we know The Journey Matters.
Mission Statement
Friends School of Baltimore is a Quaker school that exists to foster in young people the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind needed to partner with their communities and to be courageous change-makers in the world. We believe education is a journey, a continual seeking after truth that relies on both inward reflection and outward connection with others, especially across lines of difference. At Friends, learning is grounded in relationships and deepened by application to the world beyond our campus. Our School is guided by the testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship, and our core belief that there is that of God in each person, and we understand these testimonies and this belief to be a call to justice. We value diversity, pursue equity, and strive to be an actively inclusive institution that works against systemic oppression, within a campus community where each individual can live out their full identities. We seek in all ways to exemplify the ideals of the Religious Society of Friends.
Statement of Respect
At Friends School of Baltimore, our Quaker values and commitment to being an inclusive and constructive learning environment compel us to uphold the dignity of all individuals at all times. We practice George Fox’s belief that there is “that of God in everyone,” and hold ourselves accountable for the intention and impact of our behavior and speech. Friends School opposes and actively addresses hurtful language and behavior, especially that which demeans or discriminates based on race, ethnicity, ability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or any attributes of identity. We believe that such acts are harmful to individuals, divisive within our community and corrosive to society. Friends School engages in open dialogue, embraces diverse perspectives, and celebrates difference. We also insist that all discourse, however controversial or well-intended, must always be respectful in tone, in content and, ultimately, must support the Quaker value of inclusivity.
Friends is a place where...
The Journey Matters
We believe that education is not simply a competition to be won at any cost or a high-stakes race to the 12th grade finish line. A joyful and purpose-filled education means your journey doesn’t have a finish line; just milestones in a lifetime of curiosity and discovery.
Baltimore is your Classroom
At Friends, you will learn how to make connections, cross boundaries, and build upon the best in Baltimore. Through our deep and ever-evolving relationships with our fellow citizens, we will help you access the people and institutions doing some of the most innovative and exciting work in our city, allowing you to contribute to the greater good while developing the skills you'll need to thrive beyond our campus. When Friends is your school— Baltimore is your classroom.
Rigor is Redefined
Friends was one of the first schools to partner with the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning to work on the science of teaching. Our research-informed teaching paves the way for superior outcomes in and beyond the classroom.
You will find Quiet in a Noisy World
In a volatile world with near-constant noise and stressors, there are precious few opportunities for peace and quiet. Now imagine a place where a five-year-old masters the rare skill of sitting peacefully still, while a 15-year-old is given dedicated time — during the school day— just to think. At Friends, Meeting for Worship offers you the opportunity, once a week, gathered with your fellow students, to reflect and recharge; an oasis of quiet and calm in a noisy and busy world.
All are Known, Cherished, Loved, and Challenged
At Friends, we aspire for every child to be known, cherished, loved, and challenged. Guided by Quakerism, Friends utilizes practices that enhance our ability to speak challenging truths and engage with complex issues.
You will Become the Person you are Meant to be
At Friends, we want you to be you. Whatever your passions, your strengths, and your gifts, you’re an essential part of our community, with much to contribute. At exactly the time when young people should be exploring the new possibilities opening up before them, our culture too often sends the message that they should narrow their focus and specialize. We don’t want you to stay in any one lane- we won’t let you. Our schedule is designed to make it possible for you to discover and explore all your passions, so that you can be you.
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"Friends is a place that encourages creativity and curiosity. It fosters our ability to think critically and put our ideas into action."
- Alex Madsen '20 , Alumna