Board of Trustees

Members of the Friends Board of Trustees play an important role in the life of the School. The fundamental responsibility of a trustee is to protect and advance the interests of the School and its various constituencies in ways consistent with the School’s mission and with all applicable law. Friends School board members meet four sets of expectations: diligence, loyalty, compliance, and advancement.

To view the most recent Friends School Endowment Portfolio Executive Summary (as of September 30, 2022) please click here.

2024-2025 Board of Trustees

Lester Davis - Clerk
John Baer
Barbara Brocato
Jennifer Brown '87
Larry Clements
Tiffani Collins '00
Gen Distance '84
Guli Fager
Suzy Filbert
Norman Forbush '78
Jon Friar
Joel Goldberg
Katherine Hancock Porter
Brandyn Hicks
Laura Holter
Dr. Erika N. Kane Lyons
Clemmie Miller
Claire Salkowski
Burck Smith '88
Sophia Silbergeld '99
Felicity Turner
Russell Weber
Pamela Young

Karen Clark - Faculty Representative
Chris Dahl - Parent Representative
Adam Nicolson '25 - Student Representative