Friends Launches a Robust New Computer Science Program

Friends Launches a Robust New Computer Science Program

Friends is proud to launch a robust new computer science program in the 2022-23 school year featuring an array of new and interesting course options for students in grades 9-12.  For more than 30 years, Friends has offered various computer programming courses, but this new department will allow students to explore a wide range of topics and build skills in multiple areas.  Founded on a set of universal competencies, students reflect on the same core set of coding disciplines, habits of mind, and algorithmic thought processes for every project. The curriculum is designed to ensure that students maintain focused, meaningful, and observable growth whether they take one class or five.

The new offerings span from entry level courses in Physical Computing, Web Design, and Data and Code, to high-level Advanced Computer Science 2, which teaches advanced techniques in algorithm analysis and design. More offerings are under development and will be open for enrollment in the fall of 2023.   

In addition to a broad selection of courses, there have been extensive upgrades to the physical space in which computer science classes are taught.  The redesigned classroom space is a much more flexible space for students to work together on problems and projects, and includes new computers and state-of-the-art consumer 3D printers. Friends now has one of the most diverse and challenging computer science offerings of any school in Baltimore.