Facility Rentals

Friends School of Baltimore makes its campus facilities available for community events and activities such as athletic practices and games, concerts, lectures, and meetings, when not in use for school events. In general, the School has determined that our spaces are not ideally suited for personal events such as weddings, funerals, memorial services, or birthday parties.

 If you have questions, please email: ae@friendsbalt.org or call the AE Office: 410-649-3209.

Event Spaces | Athletic Facilities

Event Spaces

Athletic Facilities

Additional Fees

Personnel or staff required outside of regular and scheduled operations, as determined by the A.E. Office.

Security Staff:  $35 per hour per person
Maintenance Staff:  $25 per hour per person
Housekeeping Staff:  $100 per event per building
Technology/AV Support:  $50 per hour per person
Pre-event Meetings or AV Training:  $25 per visit
Summer Use Fee for the Air Conditioned Old Gym: $10 per day used

Facility rental request form

Frequently Asked Questions