Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Building a better ladder
Middle School is a time when children experience the greatest amount of growth in the shortest amount of time, and our teachers are experts at helping adolescents academically, socially and emotionally.
At exactly the time when young people should be exploring new possibilities opening up before them, our culture too often sends the message that they should narrow their focus and specialize. A student might be labeled the "math whiz", or "the athlete", or "the artist" and then encouraged to occupy that narrowly-defined niche. But at Friends, we don't want you to stay in any one lane - and we won't let you. Our schedule is designed to make it possible to discover and explore all your passions so that you can be you.
At Friends School of Baltimore, we take great pride in our students’ achievements as inclusive and purposeful people and celebrate the impact that our graduates have on the broader community. We prize joy in learning and acknowledge that teaching skills such as empathy and collaboration are equally as important as teaching content.
We confidently take our place at the top of the ladder of being prepared for whatever comes next for our students.
Divisional Handbook
Middle School Curriculum
Grades 6-8
Middle School Calendar
FB Auditorium
all day
FB Auditorium
Off Campus
all day