Annual Giving – The Fund for Friends

Philanthropy is the key to a robust and resilient community. Your gift to The Fund for Friends is an immediate way to support important initiatives for students and faculty this year.

Your gift ensures that Friends has the resources to provide the most impactful programs for our students.

Giving Levels

George Fox Society $50,000+
Park Avenue Associates $25,000-49,999
Eli M. Lamb $10,000-24,999
Headmaster's Circle $5,000-9,999
1784 Associates $2,500-4,999
Scarlet & Gray $1,000-2,499
Third Century $500-999
Lantern Society $250-499
All Other Donors Up to $249


Student Financial Assistance

$8 million in awards to students each year

Quaker Values

Develop in our students the ability to actively listen and reflect

Academic Excellence

Foster the ability in students to think critically, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively

Student Experience

Allow students to thrive in and out of the classroom

Contact Us

Nolan Warthen
Director of Annual Giving & Development Operations

Nicoletta Prezioso 
Assistant Director of Annual Giving