Special Memorial Gifts

A memorial gift is a wonderful way to honor the life of a loved one. At Friends School we welcome these gifts and offer a number of ways for individuals or groups of friends and family members to consider.

  • Support the daily life of students and teachers with a gift to The Fund For Friends, which can be given in any amount. The gift will be acknowledged in the School's Philanthropy At Friends, Report on Giving for the year that it is given. 

  • Help grow the Memorial Endowment Fund with a gift of $10,000 or more. The fund provides a steady source of annual income for the School, and your loved ones name will be listed in the School's Philanthropy At Friends, Report on Giving in perpetuity.

  • Across campus, there are a variety of memorial opportunities including:

    • Auditorium seat plaque - Located in the Forbush Building, the Auditorium hosts hundreds of people each year for meetings and performances.

    • Alumni Patio brick or chair - Located outside the James L. Zamoiski ’68 Alumni Center, a beloved alum or faculty member's name may be engraved on a brick and installed in the patio or affixed to an Adirondack chair.  

If you are looking for gifts with a more transformative impact, such as establishing a new fund or enhancing our campus, please reach out to the Development Office (tgoodenough@friendsbalt.org/410-649-3217).

The brick walkway leading up to the ZAC.

Current Community-Wide Special Memorial Efforts